Pakistan's ARY Digital channel launched a new drama serial "Bismil" for the audience, story of the drama revolves around a...
KARACHI: In an important step by the Sindh government, the Excise Department has made biometric verification mandatory for vehicle registration...
ISLAMABAD: The Punjab government has decided to launch a "Minority Card" for minorities living in the province, modeled on the...
RAWALPINDI: The Punjab government has decided to give free plots to journalists and media workers and has announced that plots...
ISLAMABAD: The Anti-Terrorism Court in Islamabad has ordered the immediate release of ten arrested Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) MNAs after granting...
ISLAMABAD: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) police officers and officials have been banned from using social media. As per a media report,...
ISLAMABAD: The Capital Development Authority (CDA) has launched Islamabad’s first-ever digital car parking project at G-8 Markaz. As per newspaper...
LAHORE: The Lahore Development Authority (LDA) governing body has sanctioned a layout plan to build shops on 10.8 kanals of...
ISLAMABAD: The federal government has declared September 17, 2024 (Tuesday) as a public holiday in Pakistan to observe Eid Milad...
ISLAMABAD: The Sindh government has launched a new housing program named “Sasti Basti” with the goal of offering economical housing...