ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA) has issued a Construction License to the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) for the Chashma Nuclear Power Plant Unit 5 (C-5) .
According to official media , PAEC submitted an application for the construction license in April this year, along with the Preliminary Safety Assessment Report (PSAR) and other necessary documents related to the design and operation of the plant. Crucial aspects like nuclear safety, radiation protection, emergency preparedness, waste management and nuclear security were covered in the documents.
After a comprehensive and meticulous review of the submitted documents, and upon ensuring that all regulatory requirements, both national and international, were met, the PNRA issued the construction license.
It is pertinent to note that, C-5 will be the largest electricity producing NPP in the country with the capacity of 1200 MWe.
According to the PNRA, C-5 Project is an advanced third-generation Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) of Chinese Hualong design (HPR1000) having active and passive safety features including a double-shell containment and reactor filtered venting system, and has a sixty years design life.
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In addition, a number of other technological innovations have been made in the design.
This is the Third Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in Pakistan with this design. Two NPPs (K-2 & K-3) of the same design are already successfully operating at Karachi and adding electricity to the national grid of Pakistan.