The long-awaited cinematic masterpiece, “Taxali Gate,” finally graces the silver screens on February 16, 2024, igniting excitement among movie enthusiasts...
MULTAN: Shoaib Malik has arrived in Multan with his wife, Sana Shoaib. Sana Shoaib Malik will be joining him to...
Tum Bin Kesay Jiyen: Drama Cast, Full OST, Timing, and More Details . ARY Digital is set to broadcast a...
The Pakistan Cricket Board has unveiled plans for a 'Grand Opening Ceremony' ahead of the ninth edition of the Pakistan...
Singer-songwriter Taylor Swift's feline companion, Olivia Benson, is valued at approximately $97 million, according to Private British Media. Swift, known...
BTS member V recently gave his fans a glimpse into his current location after making a brief public appearance at...
KARACHI: The prospect of Ali Zafar lending his voice to the upcoming HBL Pakistan Super League (PSL) 9 season has...
The British Asian Trust has announced its decision to sever ties with Ustad Rahat Fateh Ali Khan following the circulation...
Eminem has allegedly delivered a scathing attack on Benzino in his latest song. The rapper released a new track titled...
Pakistani folk singer Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, whose video depicting him slapping and assaulting a band member has gone viral,...