“Sultanat” Hum TV Drama: Cast Names, Timing, Story, Start Date: HUM TV’s drama series “Sultanat,” under the direction of Shah Hussain and produced by MD Productions, invites viewers to explore the complex dynamics of family life. Penned by acclaimed writer Noor Ul Huda Shah, the series aims to unravel the intricate interplay of power, trust, and betrayal within the context of a family.
“Sultanat” Hum TV Drama Story:
The story of the Hum TV drama “Sultanat” revolves around Shahnawaz, portrayed by Humayun Ashraf, a man determined to maintain firm control over his family at any cost.
The story focuses on Maham, played by Maha Hasan, who becomes entangled in Shahnawaz’s web of manipulation and suppression as he tightens his grip on the family. Against a backdrop of shifting alliances and familial tensions, viewers will witness Maham’s struggles and the scarcity of trust in her life.
Set against a backdrop of familial tensions and shifting alliances, the series offers a thought-provoking exploration of power dynamics within families.
Through its nuanced storytelling and compelling performances, the series prompts viewers to contemplate the true cost of control and the fragility of trust in relationships.
“Sultanat” Hum TV Drama Cast:
The Cast of Hum TV Drama “Sultanat” is:
- Humayoun Ashraf
- Ahmed Randhawa
- Imran Aslam
- Maha Hasan
- Usman Javed
- Saba Faisal
- Mahnoor
- Nimra Shahid
- Sukaina Khan
- Syed Muhammad Ahmed
- Tania Hussain and Others.
- Humayoun Ashraf
- Ahmed Randhawa
- Imran Aslam
- Maha Hasan
- Usman Javed
- Saba Faisal
- Mahnoor
- Nimra Shahid
- Sukaina Khan
- Syed Muhammad Ahmed
- Tania Hussain
- Composition: Hassan Ali
- Director: Shah Hussain
- Producer: MD Productions
- Writer: Noor Ul Huda Shah
“Sultanat” Hum TV Drama Start Date :
The starting date of the Hum TV drama “Sultanat” is April 15, 2024.
“Sultanat” Hum TV Drama Timing (Schedule) :
The timing of the Hum TV drama “Sultanat” is Monday to Friday at 9:00 p.m., Pakistan Standard Time (PST) on the HUM TV channel.
- Day: Monday to Friday on Hum TV channel.
- Timing: 9:00 p.m., Pakistan Standard Time (PST).